I love the bad girl games a lot, but come on, do they HAvE to have the annoying dance game in EVERY episode?
I love the bad girl games a lot, but come on, do they HAvE to have the annoying dance game in EVERY episode?
I tried to play the game that dances like its marked, but it doesnt work!!Why??
I found that I beat the game to easily I find the other games were better.
It is freaking awesome! I have all 5!!!
Too easy and can you EVER do something other than dancing!!??
Its so hard. No matter wat i do i lose!! I need answers. Help??
Go with the guy at the perfume shop
When ever i do something and my story end up with game over that is just not fair I guess I dont know how to play !!!!
Its good but the dancing part is way to long n no matter what i do I lose n if she could have another hobbie beside dancing for us to play it would have the series more interesting different hobby for each episode
Here is some help Go to see perfume ask to see perfume and try to stall conversation long as possible do the favour and win the dancing game. U know what happens next!
Grr doesnt even load!!!! Please please please fix!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like this but i dont talk in anglish so aller en faire un 7ème en encore plein dautre
Its soooo fun but sometimes its annoying because the game ends way to quickly! but Ive beat all of them but there actually quite fun
For every game you should be able to end of any of the guys. I dont like how you can only end up with one.
I think that this game is perfect
blac fa schifo
This game was fun the first time I played but you can only get 1 ending. No matter what you choose you can never date the waiter at the coffee shop cuz you spill your drink on you??? I wish all the games were connected and the dancing is boring and too provocative for any high schooler (or however old she is) MAKE THIS BETTER!!
I wouldnt even give it one star. The dancing is inappropriate and the end is the worst part of the game. I am traumatized for life
The worst game I ever installed. Its so bad I want my money back, and it was free. This game is absolutely the WORST.
It really fun 5 stars